Anyone who knows me knows I love to talk about beautiful spaces, design nuances, and how much I love my job (I genuinely do). But there are other times when I can't bring myself to talk about work-triangles, furniture and fabrics- and all I want to do is adopt an orphan, save puppies from puppy mills, build a shelter for homeless mothers, and pretty much change the world. (That sounds like a reasonable side job, doesn't it?) Because while most people want to change a few things in their homes, in wake of the recent tornadoes, there are hundreds...thousands of people out there who no longer have one.
I struggle to juggle these two worlds (don't we all?) and since there seems to be ALOT of need going around lately, I wanted to take a moment to bring it to your attention. Recent reports estimate 122 people dead, over seven hundred injured and many still missing in Joplin alone. Think about that for a moment... within three hours of Wichita, people are experiencing unfathomable suffering and loss. It's hard to believe this kind of devastation is so close to home.

This morning it became personal. Last night my car was broken into and my purse was stolen. It seems like a relatively trivial thing- shut down the credit cards, get a new drivers license, buy a new purse, end of story. Mid-afternoon I realized that in my purse was a hard drive with every single photo I've ever taken of my son... that's when I felt a small glimpse of what the people of Joplin, Oklahoma, and much of the South are, and have been, experiencing. And I genuinely mean a small glimpse... after all, I still have my son. We have the opportunity to make more memories... take more photos. It was through my small loss that I was able to begin to empathize with those who have lost so much... priceless and precious memories, things and people that can never be replaced, rebuilt or refunded.
I simply have to help! I don't yet know how, but I'm determined to do something.
The need is so great. Here are a few ways you can help...
If you're a healthcare professional and are interested in volunteering, you can sign up on the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services website here.
The American Red Cross has opened a shelter in Joplin at Missouri Southern State University, where they are distributing food, clean-up supplies and comfort kits in addition to providing immediate medical care. You can make a donation by texting REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation, or by visiting their website to donate, give blood or volunteer.
The Salvation Army has mobilized four kitchens in highly-impacted areas of Joplin in addition to providing relief to other cities that were hit by the weekend tornadoes in Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas and Oklahoma.The Salvation Army's disaster-relief efforts in Joplin can be supported by texting "JOPLIN" to 80888 to make a $10 donation. You can also donate through their website.
Samaritans Purse has initial responders in Joplin and they are asking for volunteers to join their effort to remove trees and fallen debris and help make repairs on damaged homes. You can sign up to help- either by volunteering or donating online here or by calling 1.828.262.1980.
Jeff, my amazing husband, and I are registering to assist in any way we can. assistance however possible. We're coming up on a long weekend and I can think of nothing better to do with the time than to help someone else in need.
If you would like to come along, please email me ( We'd love to have you join us!
Feeling very blessed indeed,